ayat-ayat Matius 4

  1. Halley, Henry H (1962) Halley's Bible Handbook: an Abbreviated Bible Commentary. 23rd edition. Zondervan Publishing House.
  2. Holman Illustrated Bible Handbook. Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee. 2012.
  3. Thomas, J. David. The Oxyrhynchus Papyri LXIV (London: 1997), pp. 2–4.
  4. "Liste Handschriften". Münster: Institute for New Testament Textual Research. Dicapai pada 27 August 2011.
  5. Thomas, J. David. The Oxyrhynchus Papyri LXIV (London: 1997), pp. 4–5.
  6. "Liste Handschriften". Münster: Institute for New Testament Textual Research. Dicapai pada 27 August 2011.
  7. Printed edition, Oxford University Press, 1989, 1995
  8. Calvin, J., Calvin's Commentary on Matthew 4, accessed 9 August 2019